This is the time to me write my blog, for several time i never write my status on my blog. In this situation i really boring that nothing what i've to do. Now i can tell you about everything that i gonna do in the next time or in the next year even now is still new year. As you know my resolution in this year is really very much. I'm a dreamer guy and crazy too, that's why all of my friends always tell me that my dream is so high and so hard to reached.

This photo was captured beside of the lake not far from my home. You know the view is really beautiful but i don't know in the next several years. Maybe there's a lot of change. Than my dream is not come true, and also i get stressed yeah maybe i really mad about it.
This picture is my father. He is working with Nadia cutting the branches of tree. Yeah it's really funny but it's really awesome to me you know. I don't care and shame about it. Than i gonna do everything. Oh i don't know what i have to write cause i have no idea about it. Ok My resolution in this year not come true, do you know i just want go abroad and get some good jobs there. The dreaming countries of mine are New Zealand, Australia, United States Of America, Canada, and United Kingdom. But the all of the countries that i've written all of that is getting crisis and there's a lot of jobless.
There's no job here, Indonesia there's a lot of jobless. Yeah i just tell about job job job job. I don't know what i've to do. Cause i really sad about my destiny in the next future. WELL WELL WELL if any somebody else can help me, please help me. Cause i need the help. I write this written is nothing preparation i just write in my head and there's nothing meaning at all. Guys if you read this status ok, it's ok nothing at all.
weh ana wong cereme